You may have noticed a bump forming over your big toe, or in most cases the in-turning of your big toe towards the others. Chances are this bunion hasn’t popped up over night. These bunion alignments develop slowly over time, and whilst mostly attributed to genetics can be a longstanding product of your footwear choices and activities in life. Whilst bunions may not always be painful, they can actually lead to long-term foot problems later in life as they progressively worsen.
So what is a bunion? A bunion is usually the descriptive word for a bony bump that forms on the big toe as a result of the inward forces and stress acting on your big toe. These inward forces of the big toe is referred to as hallux valgus deformity (hallux meaning toe, valgus meaning inward).
While we hope your able to avoid them, if you do end up with bunions, no matter what stage and severity your bunion is at Dr Chris Pocklington can create an individualized bunion treatment plan for you.
How Do I Know If I Am Suffering From Bunion’s
For most people bunions cause pain, soreness, inflammation, redness, numbness and burning sensations in and around the forefoot. You may have noticed a lump forming on the outside of the toe or thickened and swollen skin over the first toe joint. Most people would have noticed the gradual change in positioning of the toe as it begins to turn inwards. Others may feel a restriction in toe movement with persistent pain even when resting, whilst others may have noticed the inability to wear certain types of footwear or perform physical activities they would like to without pain.
If this sounds like any of the symptoms you are suffering book an appointment with Dr Pocklington today to commence your bunion treatment as soon as possible.
Bunion management consists of various non-surgical solutions, or if your bunions are severe, or do not respond to traditional conservative therapies Dr Pocklington may recommend surgery as part of your correctional treatment.
How Will I Know If I Need Surgery?
Dr Pocklington will usually arrange an X-ray to properly diagnose and assess the extent or severity of bunion deformity. The X-ray allows us to see the angulation of the big toe and the bone/cartilage quality of the big toe joint which can also be affected by bunions and co-existing conditions. This in turn will allow us to choose the correct treatment or surgical procedure to address your foot in the best way.
For mild and asymptomatic cases usually footwear modifications, orthoses, toe splints and other treatment options will suffice.
For cases with worsening deformity, pain in the big-toe joint, or bony protrusions forming corrective bunion surgery will be discussed.
Reach out to Western Podiatric Surgery or Momentum Podiatry to Learn More!
If you would like to learn more about the condition or how Dr Pocklington might be able to help you, make an appointment at one of our locations today!